Kagoshima Shochu Makers Association

About Us

The Kagoshima Shochu Makers Association promotes Kagoshima Shochu through promotional events and other activities aiming to increase awareness and trade.

Name Kagoshima Shochu Makers Association
Address 8-15 Kinko-cho, Kagoshima City, Kagoshima Prefecture, 892-0836
TEL (+81) 099-222-2678
FAX (+81) 099-224-9764
Established October 1, 2007
Members 112

Satsuma Shochu

Satsuma Shochu

Geographical Indication Standard of Certified Satsuma Shochu
Established December 22, 2005

Any shochu bearing the “Satsuma Shochu” geographical indication standard mark is a single distillation honkaku shochu made from Kagoshima sweet potatoes and water and is distilled and bottled within Kagoshima Prefecture.

Satsuma Shochu

Amami Kokuto Shochu

Amami Kokuto Shochu

Regional Collective Trademark of Certified Amami Kokuto Shochu
Established February 6, 2009

Coinciding with the return of Japanese sovereignty on December 25, 1953, the Amami Archipelago was assigned regional exclusivity to produce Amami Kokuto Shochu on the condition that it was made with koji rice and kokuto sugar.

Amami Kokuto Shochu